
Clicks to Bricks 101

Limited time only: If you’re a brand, message contact@1rec.co for a free login! Limited free seats available.

Learn the basics across the core functional areas:

♟️ Strategy: Why stores?

💲 Finance & Forecasting: What’s the ROI?

📍 Real Estate: Where should you go?

👷🏻‍♀️ Design & Construction: How do you build them?

🕴🏻 Operations & Leadership: How do you measure ongoing success?

Access our Retail Expansion Coach for ongoing support before, during, or after the course! (requires Premium ChatGPT subscription)


8 Video Courses

8 video-based modules covering: Introduction to Stores, Retail Expansion, Finance & Forecasting, Real Estate, Design & Construction, Operations & Leadership, a Case Study, and Other Miscellaneous Tips.


Supplemental Reading

Each module includes references back to the Clicks to Bricks Playbook archive, which deep-dives into various tried and tested tactics pertaining to everything from basic geospatial analysis to org design to site tour checklists.


Additional Resources

Each module also includes direct links to the Resource Hub, which includes downloadable guides and templates, a wide-ranging vendor directory, and an access link to our Slack community.